dissabte, de gener 08, 2005

I can't remember, a worse December, just watch those icecicles form... Oh, this is January! (English / Welsh)

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

... and it did, all morning, and all afternoon. Our local cable news channel, Capital News 9, was broadcasting, live, up to the minute, on how bad the storm was, how dreadful the roads were. They cautioned everyone to stay indoors, off the treacherous and snow laden roads.

So I went out, in my car, on the roads, of course.

I had to go the bank.

Mae dynion drwg sydd am gymryd f'arian i 'ngwas i, 'lly allan â fi i'r eira ofnadwy, ond doedd y ffyrdd ddim mor ddrwg aniwê, felly ar ôl the bank, it was off the Starbucks for coffee. Yes, the snow was snowing, the wind was blowing, the icecicles formed, oops, no I didn't have anyone's love to keep me warm, but that would have been lovely to add to the coffee.

Those silly duffers on Capital News 9, they must have been trying to drum up ad revenues or something, 'cos really the roads, while snowy, were not very slippery; the snow fell light and fluffy, not wet and gooey. I returned from banking and Starbucking, and took a mere 25 minutes to scoop the driveway out by hand, and the walks, no sweat. My coffee was still warm when I retrieved it from the car. The snow continued to fall through the afternoon, and another couple a few inches piled up. I caught a glimpse of this young guy from down the street using his snow-blower on Mary's next door, so I caught his ear and had him come blow me out as well. Since I had returned, enough snow had fallen to require my redoing the walks in particular.

Bad weather or not, I had no intention of staying home. In Upstate New York, if you decide to stay hom during the snow, you will scarcely leave the house during the winter. As long as I'm feeling up to snuff, I make it a point to spend most of the day out in the bad weather, doing the things I would normally do. Normally, on Saturdays, Anna and I go out and do something relaxing. This weekend, we decided on Chinese at the Ocean Palace and Ocean's 12 at the 12. Hmmh, that sounds confusing, but it's not. As I left shortly after 4:30, the snow was still pelting the area, and the roads were clearly more slick than they had been. Nevertheless, I was able to proceed at near the speed limit all the way to Anna's. Her driveway hadn't been cleared yet, and still I was able to make a running start and achieve the top end of it. For all of Capital News 9's whining and fear mongering, there really was nothing to it. A few inches of snow, and you would think the world were coming to an end! Oy vey!

The snow was still coming down at a nice clip as we wenter the Ocean Palace for Dim Sum and a proper Chinese meal, but some bizarre magical transformation ocurred while we were within: the snow stopped, and it got much warmer. Indeed, when we got back on Central Avenue, the main drag of both Albany and Schenectady (altho here in Schenectady, we call it State Street), there was scarcely any snow left on the road surface. We went to Regal 12 to watch Ocean's 12 (synchronicity? hmmm...), and when we left, the roads were wet, but not slippery at all. I have to admit, I rarely think much about weird weather, but tonight's got me thinking. I can never remember something like that before, at least not in January, and not in Upstate New York. Oh well, if it is global warming, we better enjoy it while we can. If some of those modeal are correct, global warming will ultimately bring on another ice age.

Incidently, the pic was enjoyable. I wouldn't buy a copy, nor rush to see it again, but it was pleasant. A ta waith, mae'n dda bob tro i weld Cymraes yn gwneud joben dda ar y sgrîn. Mae Catherine Zeta yn fendigedig yn wir. Mae hi'n hardd ac yn gwybod sut i actio, a hithau'n Gymraes Gymraeg hefyd :) Nag ydw, dydw i ddim yn cwyno am y candi llygad arall oedd yn y fflic 'chwaith ;)